Serenity Path Table Runner

Happy March! It’s hard to believe spring is just around the corner. Today I’m joining a bunch of talented quilt designers to offer a sale for spring quilt patterns. Hop on over to the Instagram hashtag #EasterQuiltPatternSale to see all of the featured quilts.

This sale gave me just the motivation I needed to write the pattern for my Serenity Path table runner. It’s a quick and easy project that uses just one charm pack and a little bit of background fabric! I love making table runners with charm packs. They’re great for quickly creating a scrappy feel.

I’m offering this pattern at an introductory price of $5 for this week only! It will be on sale until 6:00 pm Eastern Time on Friday, March 5, 2021.

Serenity Path Table Runner
Quick View

I just love this version of the pattern for a little pop of spring. Here in Montana, it’s very much still winter. So I need color where I can get it!

The table runner would also work well in a variety of colorways. Here’s a few ideas to get you started.

This pattern uses one of my very favorite techniques - spinning seams! Not only does spinning the seams make the center of each block nice and flat, it also allows all of the seams to nest as you sew the top together. If you’re new to spinning seams, check out my video tutorial. I promise it’s easier than it sounds.

I decided to quilt my runner with these sweet little flowers. I so rarely use flowers in my quilting, but they were just perfect for this one! The pantograph is Daphany by Anne Bright Designs.

If you decide to make this table runner, I would love to see it! The very best part of being a designer is seeing all of the things you make. For those that are on social media, you can find me @SnowyDaysQuilting. And you can share your progress with the hashtags #SerenityPathQuilt and #PatternBySnowyDaysQuilting. If you’re not a fan of social media, you can always email me directly.

If you like to use Pinterest, I made a pinnable image just for you!

I hope you love this table runner as much as I do! I can’t wait to see what you make. Do you have a charm pack in your stash that would be perfect for this?

Question for You

Is it starting to look like spring where you live, or are you still in the depths of winter? If you’re in the southern hemisphere, are you currently enjoying summer or heading in to fall?

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